Monday 12 September 2016

To shave or not to shave... thats the question!- Gillette venus razor shave gel review.

Body Hair! Always been a woe for us women, specially us Indians. We are hairy beings by default... :D. Today we have many treatments that can help us get rid of body hair pretty much on permanent basis but seriously lets face it not everyone can afford that. So we fall back on things like waxing epilating and well shaving. Waxing and epilating are both sort of painful and also time consuming to say the least. Yet most of us pick waxing and epilating over your regular shaving as we have seriously grown up with so many negative aspects of shaving. I was the same until June. I used to wax or epilate every 15-20 days. Shaving was for me strict no no to be done only under very dire circumstances. Then along came Gillette Venus razors and the shave gel. I picked this up from Amazon on a whim as I needed a new razor. So while I was browsing for my regular razor also of Gillette that I used ever since I first got into shaving I came across this set of razor with interchangeable head , a shave gel and some extra heads. the entire set cost Rs.540/- only,delivery charges extra. I did not expect too much from this because like I mentioned before I was too prejudiced with regards to shaving and honestly up until then I had not seen that great wonders every time I shaved which was very very rare. 

Its been almost 2 and a half months now and boy have things changed. I'm a total shaving convert now. Period!. This is by far the best hair removal experience ever! If I may say so myself this is hands down even better than waxing. My skin feels so heavenly soft its unimaginable. I do this every Sunday and trust me the hair does not grow back until minimum late Friday. I shave my hands, legs, armpits and bikini line as well. And best part  its pain free and takes minimal amount of time. The growth is not itchy. For me the game changer is the Shave Gel. It comes in different variants and I have got the Sensitive Skin one although I do not have sensitive skin still it works wonderfully for me. You just need first wet your skin with warm water so as to open the pores after which you take a single pump of the the shave gel and lather it all over you the area you want to shave. Its a bit foamy too despite being a gel and lathers really well. After spreading evenly use you razor and get rid of all those pesky hair and wash it off upon which you will get skin smooth as a baby's bottom. It also helps prevent nicks and cuts during shave.I got the 195 gram bottle and its going to last me a long long time that I can vouch for.

The razor too is super easy to use since it has a nice broad handle giving you firm grip whilst your hands are full of foam and the razor heads come with an aloe strip which further help your skin become smooth and soft. It has a blue indicator strip which helps determine how good your razor is. When this strip fades you need to change the head. Its been a little over two months and I'm still on my first head despite using it every Sunday. So thats saying something about its staying power.One thing I have noticed that the shaving will be optimally smoother and your skin softer only if you use it along with the shave gel. I have tried it with my regular sandal soap as well as my most moisturizing body wash. The best results I have are with the shave gel. The head changing is very easy and you just need to click on the button below and replace the head. The head is a little flexible to give superior glide to fit the curves of you body. I cannot reiterate enough the smoothness of skin its honestly just irresistible to touch. 

Lets breakdown some myths of shaving which I have personally overcome in the past two months:

Shaving Darkens skin:
Pretty much every girls fear specially us Indian skin girls who have a general tendency to prefer lighter colored skin, not that it matters these days and I'm glad to see many girls today embrace their color.Coming back to the myth this is completely baseless as darkening is only related to the amount of melanin in your skin. Shaving will never change your skin colour. 

Hair grows back darker and harder:
Another myth. When you see the initial growth of hair its always going to be a bit dark and hard but as it grows out it will become the same as it grows out after waxing. 

Shaving causes hair to grow back faster:
When you epilate or wax you remove your hair from the root whereas when you shave you just remove it till the root. Ergo you find the growth faster in comparison to waxing or epilating.

Shaving delicate areas can cause in-growth of hair:
It isn't the hair removal process that causes nasty in-grown hairs, it's the condition of the surface of your skin. In-grown hairs are trapped hairs, so you need to exfoliate the areas you're removing hair from so the hair can pop back through easily.

Shaving causes dry and itchy skin:
Not true if you use your razor the right way. You see it is always better for your skin as well as for the longevity of your blade to use it with a shave gel or soap or some oil. That way it wont dry out your skin and also will stop the itch that accompanies dry skin. If you want to dry shave just use a powder and a good moisturizer once done. 

Having debunked few of the myths related to shaving I would like to add that I did not add Shaving creams such as Veet and its likes in this blogpost as I effing hate that ish! I dont know maybe its just my opinion or maybe that when I used it once it broke me out into such horrible red rash that I gave up on the first try. Honestly I hate those things not because it does not suit me but the entire process removing hair with removal creams isn't my cup of tea. Plus that blasphemous smell of chemicals!!! UGHHH!!! 

With that I would like to end this blog here hoping I have in my way cleared some of your qualms about shaving. Do let me know what are your thoughts on this whole hair removal process which is both a boon and a bane of a woman's existence. Dont forget to like and leave your comments.. :)

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Yours Truly