Wednesday 16 March 2016

Review- Sula pure grapeseed oil (extra virgin) 100% Natural

Bless those days when the boss does not come into work!! Times like these you can actually get some work done all the while having fun at it with your office friends. I love to catch up on office gossip on such days whilst having tea.What is your favorite thing to do when your boss is out for the day? Do let me know...:)

Well today as I'm relatively free at work I shall be telling you about an oil I picked up when I visited Sula Vineyards on Christmas last year.(Hope the boss doesn't see this..:P)

Sula vineyards is truly an amazing place to visit, apart from the obvious drinking there's a lot more to do there like visiting the facility to see how wines are made and bottled, plus the view of the grape fields is gorgeous and a real treat to look at. Its a very refreshing place away from all the hustle bustle of the city. A quiet getaway you can enjoy with your significant other or even your family. They have staying arrangements also there if anyone's interested ranging from Rs.5500/- to 27,000/- but if that doesn't fit your pocket you can look for options in the city as its not too far away from the city (approx 20kms or so from Nasik). For more info click on the link below:

So moving on I have been to Sula about twice now once for my birthday and the other on Christmas day. I got the Sula Pure Grapeseed Oil Extra Virgin 100% natural from their in-house souvenir shop. on my first trip I picked up a bottle only for my mum  not entirely sure if I'd actually use it. But one fine day I ended up trying it out and finally gave in on my second trip. This oil is cold pressed and extracted from the white grapes seed and is bottled and sold in the facility. It has zero trans-fat, sodium,cholestrol and is very rich in anti-oxidants.

I do not think you can find it locally in Mumbai although its available online on may sites such as Natures Basket, Amazon, Alibaba to name a few. So this oil is multi-purpose and can be used for cooking, bathing,massages,on your hair and you can also put it directly on your face. Yes! I kid you not its actually really good for your skin. I was initially very apprehensive of putting any kind of oil on my face like most of us normally are but using this oil was life changing. I do not have an oily skin per say neither is it too dry, its just normal which mostly means I'm not very prone to breakouts apart form the hormonal ones here and there and I also have a little liberty in trying out different skin care products.  From what I've read and researched (internet research) is that facial oils are actually really good for your skin and it helps balance out the your dry and oily areas of your skin. Its also way more easier than using 2-3 different products

You can use this oil directly on your face or add a little to your serums or moisturizers to enhance its effectiveness. I use it underneath my serum and night cream. It contains linenoleic acid which is really effective against pimples and spots. I use it at night along with my other products or sometimes just on its own when I'm feeling a little lazy. Next day my skin is plump soft and glowing <3.Good part it also help lighten any scarring or acne marks. For more info on Lineoleic acid check out the link below:

The bottle I purchased cost me Rs.495/- and it is a 500ml bottle. This is the biggest bottle available there although there are other size option there available at a lower cost if you do not want to go for such a big bottle. For me I was sold onto this oil ergo I picked the biggest one.

The oil is of an olive hue with a rather nutty smell. Its not off-putting though. You only need a very little amount hence little goes a long long way. Its very light and non-sticky which makes it perfect to be used anytime. This also works as an excellent leave- in conditioner for your hair if you apply a little to the mid-lengths and ends. It helps protect your hair from heat styling damage and also damage caused by the Sun.Its also a great product if you want to bring back some strength to your nails, just apply once a week and massage it nicely into your nails. This oil can also be used to remove face and eye makeup and honestly it takes off even the clingiest of Mascara, although it could sting your eyes a little. All these have been tried by your's truly hence do not hesitate to try them too..:)

To sum it up I would definitely recommend you to try this oil as it's multifaceted you can use it in a number of ways. People suffering dry skin and spot marks issues should definitely give this a try. This oil has become a part of my daily skin care routine and I absolutely enjoy using it.

Rating: 5/5..:D

As always thanks for reading and dont forget to like and comment.Do let me know if you know any other oils which you think I should try out. I'm curious about rosehip oil, has anyone tried that,if yes do leave me a comment about it!!!

Love Makeup Love life <3

Your's truly
Sayuri... :~)

1 comment:

  1. I love this review. Although I did try this oil once I would really love to use it on a regular basis. I've also always been skeptical about applying any oil to my face as my face is oily in patches but this makes me want to try. Plus adding it to a night cream sounds like a good idea! I think I would need to find one that is available in any other vineyard since Sula is not accessible for me. Also I wish my boss was away today..I'm currently at work as I'm writing this comment :P :)
