Monday 28 March 2016

Down in the Dumps!!!

Don't get thrown off by the title but today I do not have makeup or skincare item to review. Today I shall be focusing on the "life" part of my blog. You see I wanted to make a blog not just about makeup and beauty related stuff but also to be able to throw in some of that other stuff sometimes. Things like emotions,books,recipes etc in no precise order.

Anyways coming to today topic "Down in the Dumps". What I mean by that is basically just that one day or those couple of days where you know there isn't anything wrong with you nor with your present life situation and yet you're unhappy, mad,sad,cranky,irritated,angry etc etc. So many terms you can use and none will ever seem right. Ever had such a day or days?

Trust me it happens to the best of us especially us women as we have a tendency to get overwhelmed alot( you know being in touch with your emotions can do that to you sometimes). Lets breakdown why this happens and what can we do by our self to feel us better. Dear men if you feel that this will decode your demonic Partner during her period then skip this post. But yes if you want to help your girl cheer up when she is low or help her help herself then carry on reading..:)

Why it happens?
Firstly let get this out of the way that this only happens to a Woman in or nearing her period. That's absolute bull-crap. The reason could be anything stress at work/home, lack of sleep, not eating properly, no proper rest, periods,hormonal imbalance usw (German for etc). The reasons will be aplenty but solutions are seemingly simpler than you think. Frankly speaking in such a situation self-help is the best help you can get because even though you will want someone to help you get over this feeling, chances are you will bite of his/her head off even before that poor thing tries to help you.

How to get over this feeling?
The most important thing we need to know is that this is absolutely normal and it happens to everyone one so your are not alone in this. There is no need to look for a reason why this is happening as that will help you achieve nothing and will just make you pine more. I shall note down some steps which I personally like to use and also that some people commonly like and do:

1.) Write:Yes this actually helps you alot as the most difficult part for most of us is to pen down our thoughts and feelings in words. This is a real stress buster as not only does it help keep you busy but also helps to consume that negative energy. This is truly an absolute favorite method of mine aside from massages..;~)

2.) Massages: No prizes for guessing that eh! Well massaging will help your girl to relax so go on bust out those massage candles and oils. She will honestly thank you for it. Also this helps to sleep better..Ps. You dont need a partner for a massage,do it yourself ,no one understands your body like you after all!

3.) Baths: Again specially for you single ladies or heck even the hitched ones. Take a warm water bath and soothe those stressed muscles out. Give yourself/each other those amazing back-rubs and see what a huge difference it will make apart from the fact that you will sleep wayyy better after a warm bath.

4.) Comfort Food: This is a rather vague term as everyone has their own type of comfort food. So dig in and forget those calories for a while.

5.)Walks/Runs/Dance: Many people like to walk/run/dance it out. So if you are into that thing go for it. It will also help burn those calories you had..;)

6.) Movies: Ahh! The joy of bundling up in your couch/bed before your favorite movie comes on. Movies are a source of great distraction so go be that couch potato. You deserve it.

7.) Scented candles/sticks: This may be 7th in the list but it does not mean its of any lesser importance specially for a candle-o-maniac like me. When i'm down in the dumps i love me some scented candles specially those sweet ones.

8.)Books: If you are not a much of a movie person like me you could tuck into that old favorite book that you really wanted to read again.  I love doing this as then I get to sometimes see a different perspective to the story or character that I may have missed before plus that nostalgia of  the time you read the book and fell in love with it the first time!!( All my fellow book-lovers can I get an Amen!!)

9.) Meditate: People think this is difficult but honestly I cannot even tell you how easy it actually is. When you start clear your head  take a deep breath and when you release loudly say "AUM". The key to doing this successfully is that you need to be loud enough to stop your brain from thinking and straying away. Only after your head is clear start focusing just on your breath. While your at it repeat "inner peace" (a la Kung fu Panda), no seriously it helps. Personal research you see..;)

10.)Cry: This may seem weird but crying gives you a emotional release like no other. There needs to be no reason but a few tears will help wash out that self pity nonsense after which you shall be free to do other things that have been listed above or any thing else of your choice that puts you in the mood.

In the end all I can say is that do all those things that make you happy. You don't deserve to be in the dumps so snap out of it and take that break and love and pamper yourself. You owe it to yourself!! If you have any other ways you  like to de-stress then do let me know in the comments..:)

PPS: You have no idea how low I was before writing this blog, it was just one of those days you know, Needless to say I'm up and bouncy again thanks to my candles a warm bath and typing the negativity away!!!...:~)

Thanks for reading and dont forget to em likes and comments coming!!!

Love Makeup Love Life

Yours Truly


  1. I'm glad you feel better after writing this post! :* Call it twin instinct, but I was feeling so low too yesterday. And by the end of the day my husband had to bear with my demonic tantrums for absolutely no reason. Lol! Love the post and totally relate to it. I usually like to do two things when I'm feeling low for no real reason. I often like to draw or paint when I feel down in the dumps. It helps me release all that negative energy and channel my thoughts onto paper and I end up feeling much lighter and relaxed. Another thing I like to do (and this may not be the best thing to do coz you can get carried away!), is shopping! Shopping just makes me feel so much better whether its clothes or gadgets. Although this option may not be the best thing as you might tend to spend a whole lot of money while you're busy pitying yourself and end up with a huge credit card bill! I also like taking walks alone in the park sometimes. All in all I guess what's worked for me is just spending some "me" time when I'm feeling low. It just gives me time to reset and get in touch with my inner self.

    Loved this post! I shall surely try the candle thing and also writing next time. Cheers!

  2. Very nice n beautiful written. Well done n keep it up baby love u.

  3. You know how i overcome when I'm feeling low, i read this post. I feel better after realising I'm not the only one who feel lost someone for no reason

  4. I mean sometimes not someone
